About RC Marine Electric
We are ABYC certified as well as NMEA installer certified. These certifications, and our efforts to continually train, mean that you will be receiving RC Marine Electric services at the most current certification available.
Russ – Owner / President
After serving in the military, Aquidneck Island native Russ has worked on boats for more than a dozen years. With a depth of electrical knowledge shore side as well RC Marine Electric was created. RC Marine Electric officially moved to Newport Shipyard in 2016.
Jamie – Project Manager
As the Project Manager at RC Marine Electric, Jamie is in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly and customers get what they need. Originally from the L.A. area, Jaime has a vast amount of marine experience.
As a part of many delivery crews and race crews he is one of RC Marine Electric’s most experienced sailors. He is also a certified sailing instructor. Most recently, he competed in the 2018 Newport Bermuda Race. Not only does he hold a captains license, but Jamie is also certified for ABYC Electrical, Systems, Corrosion, and NMEA Installation.
A native of Portsmouth, RI Jim has over a decade in the marine industry. He holds multiple ABYC certifications as well as a RI Master Electrical License. He is one of RC Marines best ASEA Technicians. When not raising his boys Jim is an avid fisherman.
Taylor is another RI Native and has many years in the Marine Industry. He holds ABYC, NMEA, H5000 Certifications. He is RC Marine Electrics go to for all things electronic. Whether it’s building a computer from scratch, Sat TV and Comms, or Transducers- if its electronic, you’ll be meeting Taylor.
Sam is another Electronics wiz. With multiple degrees in electronics Sam is a master solderer and electronics specialist. His many years of experience has made him a well rounded electrician. When he’s not sailing around the bay he’s finding other ways to spend time on the water. Chances are if Taylor is around, Sam isn’t far behind.